Results for 'Hans JÜrgen Horn'

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  1.  7
    Der König und der Dieb Spuren sophistischen Denkens in der Novelle vom Schatzhaus des Rhampsinit.Hans-Jürgen Horn - 1995 - In Rolf W. Puster, Veritas Filia Temporis?: Philosophiehistorie Zwischen Wahrheit Und Geschichte. Festschrift Für Rainer Specht Zum 65. Geburtstag. New York: De Gruyter. pp. 137-146.
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    Aristote, "Traité de l'âme", III, 3 et le concept aristotélicien de la φαυτασία.Hans-Jürgen Horn - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Stoische Symmetrie und Theorie des Schönen in der Kaiserzeit.Hans-Jürgen Horn - 1987 - In Wolfgang Haase, Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 1454-1472.
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    Jakobs Traum: zur Bedeutung der Zwischenwelt in der Tradition des Platonismus: Vorträge eines fachübergreifenden Kolloquiums am Seminar für Klassische Philologie der Universität Mannheim.Hans-Jürgen Horn (ed.) - 2002 - St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae.
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  5. Zur Begründung des Vorrangs der πρᾶξις vor dem ἦθος in der Aristotelischen Tragödientheorie.Hans-jürgen Horn - 1975 - Hermes 103 (3):292-299.
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    Studien zum dritten Buch der aristotelischen Schrift De anima.Hans-Jürgen Horn - 1994
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    Metapher und φαντασία. Ein aristotelisches Bedenken gegen den Gebrauch bildlicher Rede bei der Bestimmung der φαντασία (De Anima III 3. 428a2). [REVIEW]Hans-jürgen Horn - 1993 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 75 (3):275-285.
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    Mensch Und Schicksal.Hans Jürgen Baden - 1950 - De Gruyter.
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    Der Aufstand des Einzelnen.Hans Jürgen Baden - 1973 - Hamburg,: Agentur des Rauhen Hauses.
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    Dialektik-Methode-Innovation.Hans-Jürgen Stöhr (ed.) - 1984 - [Rostock]: Wilhelm-Pieck-Universität Rostock.
  11. Empirismus versus Rationalismus?: Kritik eines philosophie-historischen Schemas.Hans-Jürgen Engfer - 1996
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    „Lost in Translation“. Übersetzung und Exilerfahrung bei Eva Hoffman und Jacques Poulin.Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink - 2008 - In Manfred Schmeling & Alberto Gil, Kultur Übersetzen: Zur Wissenschaft des Übersetzens Im Deutsch-Französischen Dialog. Akademie Verlag. pp. 97-106.
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  13. Jesus in His Time.Hans Jürgen Schultz & Brian Watchorn - 1971
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    Bolzanos dynamischer Atomismus und seine Raum-Philosophie.Hans-jürgen Treder - 1981 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 29 (7):800.
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  15. Die Intoleranz der Wahrheit. Zur moralischen Bewertung methodologischer Strategien.Hans Jürgen Wendel - 1994 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 5 (3):410.
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    In dubio pro embryone? Problems for a precautionary argument against embryonic stem cell research.Hans-Jürgen Link - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (2):129-142.
    ZusammenfassungIn der Debatte um die embryonale Stammzellenforschung führen die Verfechter der Würde des Embryos gerne eine Gemeinsamkeit von Embryonen und reversibel Komatösen an: Beide sind bloß potentiell Personen. Wenn aber Komatösen fraglos personale Würde zukommt, weshalb sollte man sie Embryonen absprechen? In ihrem AufsatzIn dubio pro embryone kombinieren G. Damschen und D. Schönecker diese Analogie mit einem Vorsichtsargument: Weil die Analogie zumindest gute Gründe für die Annahme biete, Embryonen komme eine menschliche Würde zu, sei angesichts der Schwere des möglichen Unrechts (...)
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    Ernst Jüngers christliches Zwischenspiel.Hans Jürgen Baden - 1961 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 3 (3):328-345.
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    Peter Wust, der Philosoph unter dem Kreuz.Hans Jürgen Baden - 1960 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 2 (2):160-173.
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    Calendar Logic.Hans Jürgen Ohlbach & Dov Gabbay - 1998 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 8 (4):291-323.
    ABSTRACT A propositional temporal logic is introduced whose operators quantify over intervals of a reference time line. The intervals are specified symbolically, for example ?next week's weekend?. The specification language for the intervals takes into account all the features of real calendar systems. A simple statement which can be expressed in this language is for example: ?yesterday I worked for eight hours with one hour lunch break at noon?. Calendar Logic can be translated into propositional logic. Satisfiability is therefore decidable. (...)
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    Thirty years of ISBNs: The multiple parenthood of a success story.Hans Jürgen Ehlers - 2000 - Logos 11 (1):25-27.
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    Die analytische Begriffs- und Urteilstheorie von G. W. Leibniz und Chr. Wolff.Hans-jürgen Enger - 1973 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 5:258-260.
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    Wie »äußerte« sich die EKD zu Vietnam?Hans-Jürgen Benedict - 1975 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 19 (1):373-380.
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  23. Students' misconceptions—looking for a pattern.HansJürgen Schmidt - 1997 - Science Education 81 (2):123-135.
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  24. The habit to surpass Marx A review of Yuichi Shionoya's Schumpeter and the idea of social science. A metatheoretical study.W. Hans-Jurgen - 2000 - Journal of Economic Methodology 7 (1):146-152.
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    Natur- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften.Hans-Jürgen Stöhr (ed.) - 1986 - Rostock: Die Universität.
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    Friedrich Engels und die wegweisende Bedeutung der Philosophie für die Naturwissenschaft.Hans-Jürgen Treder (ed.) - 1982 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Gravitation and universal Fermi coupling in general relativity.Hans-Jürgen Treder - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (5):527-538.
    The generally covariant Lagrangian densityG = ℛ + 2K ℒmatter of the Hamiltonian principle in general relativity, formulated by Einstein and Hilbert, can be interpreted as a functional of the potentialsg ikand φ of the gravitational and matter fields. In this general relativistic interpretation, the Riemann-Christoffel form Γ kl i = kl i for the coefficients г kl i of the affine connections is postulated a priori. Alternatively, we can interpret the LagrangianG as a functional of φ, gik, and the (...)
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    (1 other version)On the fifth forces.Hans-Jürgen Treder - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (3):283-298.
    We discuss the possibility of “fifth forces” in relativistic gravitation theories of fourth order. The fifth force may be an analog to the “weak forces” in the theories of electroweak interactions.
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    Conform invariance and Mach's principle in cosmology.Hans-Jürgen Treder - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (8):1089-1093.
    Einstein's conform-invariant light metrics g'ik=(WiklmWiklm)1/2 glk imply a Machian cosmology and exclude conformally flat space-times.
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    Die Wahrnehmung innerer Bilder im,Carmen Buranum' 62 Überlegungen zur Vermittlung zwischen mediävistischer Medientheorie und mittelalterlicher Poetik.Hans Jürgen Scheuer - 2003 - Das Mittelalter 8 (2).
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    Extreme Right-Wing Racial Violence — An Effect of the Mass Media?Hans-Jürgen Weiss - 1997 - Communications 22 (1):57-68.
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    Die Grenzen des Naturalismus: das Phänomen der Erkenntnis zwischen philosophischer Deutung und wissenschaftlicher Erklärung.Hans Jürgen Wendel - 1997 - Mohr Siebeck.
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    Der Streit mit Georg Lukács.Hans-Jürgen Schmitt (ed.) - 1978 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Wahrnehmen - Blasonieren - Dichten Das Heraldisch-Imaginäre als poetische Denkform in der Literatur des Mittelalters.Hans Jürgen Scheuer - 2006 - Das Mittelalter 11 (2).
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  35. Aspect and aktionsart.Hans-Jürgen Sasse - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 535--538.
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    Von der Pansophie zur Weltweisheit: Goethes analogisch-philosophische Konzepte.Hans-Jürgen Schrader & Katharine Weder (eds.) - 2004 - De Gruyter.
    Analogical thinking, relations between microcosm and macrocosm, polarity and intensification, inspiration, magical, alchemistic, and magnetic/sympathetic concepts: key terms like these indicate the importance of the traditions of pansophist and holistic interpretation of the world in Goethe's literary and scientific works. Of equal significance is his engagement with 'universal wisdom' (Weltweisheit), as embodied in the philosophical and scientific tendencies of the age he lived in. The Geneva conference of the Swiss Goethe Society documented here casts light on Goethe's position in the (...)
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    Das unbestimmte Argument von der Skepsis.Hans Jürgen Wendel - 1988 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 32 (1):213-219.
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    Praktische Semantik.Hans-Jürgen Heringer - 1974 - Stuttgart: Klett.
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    Handbook of Abnormal Psychology: An Experimental Approach.Hans Jürgen Eysenck - 1968 - London: Pitman Medical Publishing Company.
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    The paradox of 'freedom' and the social function of psychiatry.Hans Jürgen Eysenck - 1982 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 3 (3):367-374.
    This paper considers the concept of freedom in behavioural terms, defining it in relation to freedom of action. This notion is applied to psychiatric abnormalities, and it is suggested that this new way of looking at the problem may go some way to surmount the philosophical difficulties normally attaching to the notion of freedom.
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  41. Psychology: A Science in Development.Hans Jürgen Eysenck - 1991 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 2 (1):69.
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  42. Ethische Begründung und moralische Argumentation.Hans Jürgen Wendel - 1995 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 6 (2):223.
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    Radikaler Konstruktivismus und KonstruktionismusRadical constructivism and constructionism.Hans Jürgen Wendel - 1992 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 23 (2):323-352.
    Radical Constructivism and Constructionism. Both radical constructivism and constructionism are naturalized approaches to epistemology. They try to fertilize results from biology and psychology for epistemological aims. They both refuse epistemological realism as unsustainable metaphysics. This raises the problem of the range of the naturalistic approach to epistemology. Constructivism, in both forms, turns out to be untenable because it runs in an aporia: it must borrow from realism either, or it must qualify its own position as a metaphysical one. But therewith, (...)
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    Interference and interaction in Schrödinger's wave mechanics.Hans-Jürgen Treder & Horst-Heino von Borzeszkowski - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (1):77-93.
    Reminiscing on the fact that E. Schrödinger was rooted in the same physical tradition as M. Planck and A. Einstein, some aspects of his attitude to quantum mechanics are discussed. In particular, it is demonstrated that the quantum-mechanical paradoxes assumed by Einstein and Schrödinger should not exist, but that otherwise the epistemological problem of physical reality raised in this context by Einstein and Schrödinger is fundamental for our understanding of quantum theory. The nonexistence of such paradoxes just shows that quantum-mechanical (...)
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  45. Nichtfeststellbarkeit und Nichtexistenz.Hans Jürgen Wendel - 1990 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 97 (1):157.
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  46. Playing God and the Intrinsic Value of Life: Moral Problems for Synthetic Biology?Hans-Jürgen Link - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):435-448.
    Most of the reports on synthetic biology include not only familiar topics like biosafety and biosecurity but also a chapter on ‘ethical concerns’; a variety of diffuse topics that are interrelated in some way or another. This article deals with these ‘ethical concerns’. In particular it addresses issues such as the intrinsic value of life and how to deal with ‘artificial life’, and the fear that synthetic biologists are tampering with nature or playing God. Its aim is to analyse what (...)
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    Relativity Theory and Historicity of Physical Systems.Hans-Jürgen Treder - 1970 - In Hermann Bondi, Wolfgang Yourgrau & Allen duPont Breck, Physics, logic, and history. New York,: Plenum Press. pp. 253--264.
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    Hegel Yearbook, 1974.Hans Jürgen Verweyen - 1977 - Philosophy and History 10 (1):3-4.
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    Quasi-varieties: A special access.Hans-Jürgen Hoehnke - 2004 - Studia Logica 78 (1-2):249 - 260.
    Quasi-equational logic concerns with a completeness theorem, i. e. a list of general syntactical rules such that, being given a set of graded quasi-equations Q, the closure Cl Q = Qeq Fun Q can be derived from by the given rules. Those rules do exist, because our consideration could be embedded into the logic of first order language. But, we look for special (quasi-equational) rules. Suitable rules were already established for the (non-functorial) case of partial algebras in Definition 3.1.2 of (...)
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  50. Edited volumes-'evolution und irreversibilitat'.Hans-Jurgen Krug & Ludwig Pohlmann - 1999 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 21 (2):244-244.
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